You're not meant to be ruled by fear. You can recover.
These strategies aren't your typical, run-of-the-mill pieces of advice. They're life changing, evidence-based, and effective.
- Why OCD and anxiety are called "the doubt disorder" and how to see these conditions for what they really are.
- The importance of acceptance over avoidance so you can finally *get* that it's not the thoughts that are the problem - but how you respond to them.
- How to break the pattern so you can mess with OCD and anxiety's cycle in manageable but still challenging ways.
- How to make decisions based in values, not in fear so you can take back control over your life choices.
- The importance of continuous learning. When knowledge is power in OCD and anxiety recovery, arm yourself wisely.
If you're done letting OCD and anxiety make your world smaller, and if you're ready to be empowered and in control, this is your moment.
I've been struggling with that damn 'fear voice' of OCD/anxiety since I was a kid. And since 2008, I've specialized in treating it.